Elementary Schools in Japan/日本の小学校あれこれ


My oldest son is in the third grade (9 years old). Elementary school in Japan lasts six years. Elementary and junior high school are compulsory education, and all students are expected to attend./長男は現在小学3年生(9歳)です。小学校は6年間あります。小学校と中学校が教育であり、全員が通うことになっています。
The elementary school curriculum is the same throughout Japan, so there are no major differences in educational content no matter where you live as long as it is a public elementary school./小学校カリキュラムは日本全国同じですので、どこに住んでいても内容に大差はありません。
Our family used to live in central Tokyo, but last year we moved to the suburbs of Tokyo, so we only have experience with elementary schools in Tokyo, but elementary school students spend their time as follows./私たちの家族はもともと東京都心に住んでいましたが、昨年東京郊外へ引っ越しました。そのため、東京での小学校しか経験はありませんが、小学生の過ごし方は以下のような感じです。
As a rule, elementary school students walk to school. Parents may go with their children to school until they get used to it, but after that, the children go to school alone. My son’s elementary school is about a 10-minute walk./原則として、徒歩で通学します。慣れるまでは親がついていくこともありますが、その後は子供だけで通います。息子の小学校は徒歩10分くらいです。
Lunch is provided at the school, and parents receive a menu and calorie count for the month in advance(I haven’t checked it out much.)/昼食は学校で給食が出ます。献立表とカロリーが記載された表を親はあらかじめ受け取ります。(私はあまりチェックしていませんが)
Homework is assigned every day. Homework includes reading aloud, Kanji characters, calculations, etc./宿題は毎日出ます。宿題は音読、漢字、計算などです。
For working parents, there is a system called “Gakuho” (school child care) that takes care of children after school. Some of them are attached to the school, while others are located outside the school./働く親のために、「学童」というシステムがあり、学校の後子供を預かってくれます。学童は学校に併設されていることもあり、学校後の施設を利用することもあるようです。

Regarding the school-age children, my son used the service until he was in the second grade of elementary school, but stopped when he entered the third grade of elementary school because he did not want to use it.
It seems that many children do not like to go to school when they are in the third or fourth grade. Since one of our parents works at home, we stopped the school daycare according to his request./学童については、息子は小学校2年生まで利用していましたが、嫌がったため3年生でやめました。3年生か4年生になると学童を嫌がる子が多いようです。我が家は親のどちらかは家で仕事をしているため、本人の希望に基づき学童をやめました。
My oldest son spends his time after school playing with his friends at the park or at home, or taking lessons (cram school, English)./長男は放課後友達と公園や家で遊んだり、塾や英語の習い事をして過ごしています。

There is a summer vacation of approximately one month (end of July to end of August).
My son spent his summer vacation going to the pool with friends, collecting stag beetles, Playing in the river, and going on family trips (camping and a trip to Fukushima Prefecture)./夏休みはだいたい1か月間あります。(7月末~8月末)息子は夏休みを友達とプールに行ったり、クワガタ採集をしたり、川で遊んだり、家族旅行へ行ったり(キャンプや福島への旅行)して過ごしました。
*The photo was taken when we played in the river.(写真は川遊びをした時のものです)

