Recommendation! Travel to Fukushima Prefecture/お勧め!福島県への旅行


Hello! Last week, I went on a trip to Fukushima Prefecture for 3 days and 2 nights.
Fukushima prefecture is located north of Tokyo, and I drove there from Tokyo via expressway.

Fukushima Prefecture is famous for its fruits and ramen noodles (Kitakata Ramen). There is also a famous castle (Tsurugajo/Aizuwakamatsu Castle) as a tourist attraction. The route of this trip is as follows/福島県はフルーツやラーメン(喜多方ラーメン)が有名です。また、観光名所として有名なお城(鶴ヶ城/会津若松城)もあります。今回の旅行のルートは以下の通りです↓

Day 1
11:00 Departure from Tokyo (Ome City)
15:00 Arrive at Hotel Kyukamura Urabandai, spend time in the hot spring and take a walk.
17:30 Dinner at the hotel (buffet)
19:00 Search for insects (stag beetles) in the vicinity of the hotel → no harvest, then play Othello or Shogi
22:00 Bedtime
11:00 東京(青梅市)出発
15:00 ホテル休暇村裏磐梯に到着、温泉に入ったり、散歩をして過ごす
17:30 ホテルの夕食(バイキング)
19:00 ホテル周辺で虫探し(クワガタ探し)→収穫無し、その後オセロゲームや将棋で遊ぶ
22:00 就寝


Day 2
5:30 Go to the hot spring (only me, as the rest of the family is sleeping)
7:30 Breakfast buffet
10:00 Check out and head to a park in Tamura City, famous for its stag beetles. Afterwards, we play with catching cane snakes and looking for stag beetles.
15:00 Arrive at Bandaisan Onsen Hotel. Take a hot spring bath and spend time at the book café.
17:00 Dinner (buffet) at the hotel
18:00 Go to the hotel pool
19:30 Go stag beetle hunting around the hotel (get a red-legged stag beetle)
22:00 Go to bed
5:30 温泉へ(他の家族は寝ているため私だけ)
7:30 朝食バイキング
10:00 チェックアウト、クワガタで有名な田村市の公園へ向かう。その後、カナヘビ取りやクワガタ探しをして遊ぶ
15:00 磐梯山温泉ホテルに到着。温泉に入ったり、ブックカフェで過ごす
17:00 ホテルの夕食(バイキング)
18:00 ホテルのプールへ
19:30 ホテル周辺でクワガタ探し(アカアシクワガタをGET)
22:00 就寝

Day 3
8:45 Breakfast buffet
10:30 Check out
11:30 Walk around Ouchi-shuku (where old streets from the Edo period still remain) and eat soba noodles. Then go to the park
17:00 Depart from Fukushima
20:30 Arrive home (Ome, Tokyo)
8:45 朝食バイキング
10:30 チェックアウト
11:30 大内宿(江戸時代の古い町並みが残る場所)を散歩、蕎麦を食べる。その後、公園へ
17:00 福島出発
20:30 自宅(東京都青梅市)に到着

The cost of the trip is as follows
・Expressway toll (round trip) approx. 14,000 yen(95.8$ *TodaysRate:1$=146Yen) 
・Accommodation expenses for 2 nights (2 adults and 2 children)  Total 94,000 yen (643.8$ About 47,000 yen for both the first and second nights)
・Others (lunch, drinks, souvenirs, etc.) Approx. 15,000 yen(102.7$)
高速道路料金(往復)        約14,000円
宿泊費用2泊分(大人2名、子供2名)  合計94,000円(1泊目、2泊目ともに約47,000円)
その他(昼食、飲み物、お土産等)  約15,000円

About the hotels
I stayed at “Kyukamura Urabandai(休暇村裏磐梯) ” for the first night and “Bandaisan Onsen Hotel(磐梯山温泉ホテル)” for the second night, both are good hotels and highly recommended. Both hotels are good and I highly recommend them.
The Kyukamura Urabandaï is very clean and has a free drink corner, a game corner, and a kid’s corner. The garden is a beautiful lawn and you can relax in the garden of the hotel. The hot spring was also quite nice. There was a wide variety of meals (buffet).
The food at Bandaisan Onsen Hotel was by far the best I have ever had. I have stayed in many hotels in the past, and the food is of a very high level. This hotel also had a free drink corner and a swimming pool. The hotel itself is old, but the inside of the hotel and the rooms are kept clean./ホテルについて

Fukushima may have a somewhat subdued image as a tourist destination in Japan, but because of this, it is not too crowded, and you can enjoy the Japanese countryside in a relaxed atmosphere. In particular, Ouchi-shuku is a good sightseeing spot where you can feel the Japan of Edo itself./福島は日本の観光地としては少々地味なイメージかもしれませんが、その分人も多すぎず、のんびりと日本の田舎を満喫できると思います。特に大内宿は江戸自体の日本を感じられる良い観光地だと思います。

