First update in a while(Okinawa trip, fireworks display, stag beetle)/久しぶりの投稿(沖縄旅行、花火、クワガタ虫)


It has been a very long time since I have posted./前回の投稿から時間が空いてしまいました。
Here is what I have been doing during the blank months…./空白の数ヶ月間、私がしてきたことは以下の通りです。

April: Trip to Okinawa/4月:沖縄旅行
June – Stag beetle collecting (go to the park at night)/6月:クワガタ虫採集(夜の公園にて)
July: Went camping in Yamanashi Prefecture/7月:山梨県へキャンプへ
August: Go to Ome City Fireworks Festival/8月:青梅市花火大会へ。

In Japan, in many cases, the company people work for determines the dates of long vacation(August is often), but the company I work for allows me to take a vacation whenever I want, so I often go on trips outside of the summer season when prices are higher./日本では勤め先が長期休暇の日程を決めることが多いですが(8月が多い)、私の会社は好きな時期に休暇を取れるので、物価の高い夏場以外に旅行に行くことが多いです。

Okinawa in April is a little cold for swimming in the ocean, but the weather is just right, neither too hot nor too cold, and I highly recommend it because you can avoid the typhoons in summer./4月の沖縄は、海で泳ぐには少し寒いが、暑すぎず寒すぎずちょうどいい気候で、夏の台風を避けられるのでおすすめです。
From June, we go to a nearby park at night to collect stag beetles because my child loves stag beetles. Sometimes we buy them at the store…./6月からは、子供がクワガタ好きなので、夜、近くの公園にクワガタ採りに行きます。お店で買うこともありますが……。

The Ome City Fireworks Festival in August is highly recommended for those who want to see Japanese fireworks but don’t want to get caught up in the big crowds.You can walk to the fireworks site from Ome Station on the Ome Line.
We had also purchased admission tickets in advance to the park where the fireworks would be launched, so we could enjoy the fireworks while lying down. Big fireworks displays are fun, but the surrounding area can be very crowded. Relatively small fireworks displays like the Ome City Fireworks Festival are recommended because they are less crowded and you can watch the fireworks at a leisurely pace./8月の青梅市花火大会は、日本の花火は見たいけれど、大混雑には巻き込まれたくないという人にお薦めです。青梅線の青梅駅から花火会場まで徒歩で行くことができます。私たちは花火が打ち上げられる公園の入場券も事前に購入していたので、寝転びながら花火を楽しむことができた。大きな花火大会は楽しいが、周辺は大変混雑します。青梅市花火大会のような比較的小規模な花火大会は混雑も少なく、ゆっくりと花火を見ることができるのでおすすめです。

